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Tag Archives: jessica rey

The “itsy bitsy” bikini.

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This video has been making the rounds on blogs lately.

Fashion. I teeter between giving a shit and not giving a shit at all when it comes to fashion. But I acknowledge that clothes can be a way to distinguish yourself in this visual culture of ours, while also making room for self-expression, using no words at all.

Fashion communicates.

But what does it say?

I’m still processing the content of this video, which features swimsuit designer Jessica Rey, talking about the value of modesty in swimwear; its evolution.

When she mentioned the Princeton study, about how men “see” women in a bikini, I thought, “huh?” – and then I started this post..

Aren’t men accountable for their thoughts, like women? I wonder about these “studies” – who are these so-called subjects they study when they make these studies happen?

Question everything.

So what do you think about swimsuit modesty and female bodies in a bikini? And does modest swimwear need a revival, for the sake of male/female interaction?

Should women seek to be extra-modest in order to ‘prevent’ the male brain from shutting down, as the so-called Princeton study suggests (fast forward to around 4:45 mins to hear about it).

Just a thought, as I continue to read comments this morning about Darius, the boob-toucher.
