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Tag Archives: technology

A note about the Internet and art.

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The internet ruined industries, not art.

the internet ruined the music industry, not music.
the internet ruined the publishing industry, not writers.
the internet is slowly starting to erode the film industry in the same way, but it’ll take more time.
But eventually, the internet will do it.

I like the Internet. I love it for all the things it’s given us, and hate it equally as much for all the things it’s taken away or made obsolete, like face-to-face communication and editing on paper.

I miss eavesdropping the old way, before social media.
I miss the anticipation of opening a card on my birthday, before emails.
I miss the effort it used to take to remember a friend’s birthday, before Facebook.

But for all the things I miss and all the things that got ruined, I have to side with the Internet on this argument, of whether its invention was good or bad for the world, since it’s because of the internet that I get to make this point, publicly, at all.
